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Did you know Champaign Outdoors has a book club?

Champaign Outdoors has been all about the community outreach this year; they’ve launched the Flatlanders Club, they’re hosting adventure trips, and they’ve done all sorts of educational events from learning about tornado chasing to learning how to set up camp. 

Maybe reading about the natural world is more your thing. They’ve established a book club that meet every other month (that’s doable right?) that features books involving the outdoors and adventure. The current selection is American Wolf, which will be discussed February 6th from 6 to 7 p.m. at the store. It’s free to attend.

So, if one of your resolutions is to read more, perhaps this will give you some motivation. You can see the full description of the book on their Facebook event page

Top image: An open book with text superimposed over it, “Book Club: American Wolf, February 6th. Image from Facebook event page. 

Staff writer

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