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Consider signing up to be an election judge

The week before the primary election in March also happened to be the week that concerns about COVID-19 were ramping up quickly. As a result, there were many election judges in Champaign County that bowed out at the last minute. The Champaign County Clerk’s office does not want to be stuck with a shortage this November. It’s important to be able to keep as many polling places open as possible, not only to increase access but to reduce the number of people for social distancing purposes.

Election judges are often retired folks, and right now that’s a population that is more susceptible to severe outcomes from COVID. So, those who are healthy and without underlying conditions who feel comfortable with working a polling place all day, in a mask, are needed.

There are also a couple of options for those who want to help, but aren’t comfortable with that idea. The county clerk’s office needs people who can count mail-in ballots as they come in, as well as those who can regularly pick up ballots from the secure drop boxes. 

They need to have equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats serving as judges, and all positions are paid.

This Sunday, September 6th at 3 p.m. there is an online info session where you can find more information and ask questions. You can find the Zoom link in the Facebook event.

Image from Facebook event page.

Staff writer

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