Smile Politely

Connections Resale Store is closing

It’s important to note that it is JUST the resale shop closing. All other Courage Connection services will remain in place. From the press release:

Connections, located in Lincoln Square, has been the resale store and the donation drop off location for Courage Connection since 2008. We have served both our clients and the public from this location.

After much review and in-depth discussion with our Board of Directors , a decision has been made to close the store operations of Connection by June 30, 2019. As of Wednesday, May 15, we will no longer accept any donations of goods that would normally be sold in our store. A store wide clearing sale will begin on that date of the on hand inventory and eventually store fixtures. The store opened Wednesday morning with signage in place announcing closing sale.

Donations off our wish list for clients (personal care, baby care, household care as listed on our website) will continue to be taken at Connections until the store location is closed. An updated agency wish list as well as our Amazon list will be completed by week’s end. New drop off locations of those items collected for use by our clients will be announced shortly.

While this is a sad time for our Connections staff and customers, it is necessary to continue to provide the highest quality in direct client services for those individuals facing Domestic Violence in our community.

We wrote about Connections a while back. You can read it here.

Staff writer

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