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Columbia Street Roastery hosting tea cuppings starting November 4th

We’ve posted about Columbia Street Roastery‘s coffee cuppings before, but here’s an opportunity for all you tea lovers out there to do a cupping session. There’s one upcoming on November 4th — check out the Facebook event, and the info from it below:

If you’d like to join us for a tea cupping, the only way to do so is to call us at 217-352-9713 or email us at to reserve your spot. We don’t take reservations through Facebook. These classes have limited seating and they fill up fast, so don’t wait.

Our tea cupping sessions are an introduction into the wonderful world of tea. We discuss the different processes used to create the different teas, as well as brewing and sampling teas. We typically compare about 5 varieties, learning how temperature and brew times affect the flavors.

Just for kicks, check out this feature from way back on CSR.

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