Smile Politely

Columbia Street Roastery has a special cold brew blend

While I still enjoy a cup of hot coffee in the mornings, regardless of the temperature outside, I find myself craving a cold brew during the summer. Cold brew is a bit different than iced coffee, as you are actually brewing while the coffee is cold, rather than just pouring regularly brewed coffee over ice. It’s much better this way. You can find the blend for purchase on their website, and they even offer up the best way to do your cold brewing. 

The recipe calls for using a french press, and they have one for right around $20. Here’s what you need to do:

  • 1 oz of coffee (ground French Press) for every 8oz of water
  • Let it “brew” in the refrigerator for 24hrs
  • After 24hrs press down and pour into the measuring pitcher.
  • Add 1oz of cold water for every 1oz of cold brew concentrate made
  • Serve over ice
  • On the next batch make adjustments to how much water is added to the concentrate based on what your taste preferences are….If 1 to 1 is too weak: 1oz of water for every 2oz concentrate. If 1 to 1 is too strong: 2oz of water for every 1oz concentrate
  • Serve over ice…. ENJOY!!!!

Photo by Sam Logan.

Staff writer

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