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Champaign has a new mural by Langston Allston

Champaign native Langston Allston recently completed a new mural at the North First Street Barber Shop (204 N First Street, Champaign).

According to the GoFundMe page that raised money for the mural:

Champaign-Urbana is a symbol of hopes and dreams, of opportunity, and forward-thinking. The goal is to commemorate the challenges and messages of 2020. The mural will have the theme of sustainability and will be decorated with details and symbolism relating to the environment. The mission is to inspire conversations about important topics.

Allston now lives and works in New Orleans, but you can find his murals all over C-U. Might we suggest taking an Allston Art Tour of C-U with your family?

Top image by Julie McClure.

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