This weekend you have the opportunity to view a newly discovered silent film from 1930, Borderline. The screening will happen at Foellinger Auditorium at 3 p.m. on Sunday, February 24th. Admission is free. Check out this description from the press release, and you’ll see why this is a can’t miss event:
Borderline, Kenneth Macpherson’s visually-compelling movie about interracial and LGBT relationships during the 1920s, stars Paul and Eslanda Robeson. The film’s showing will be accompanied by a live performance of Renée Bakers’ thirty-member Chicago Modern Orchestra Project ensemble. Following the showing of the film there will be a discussion with Renée Baker and the audience about her work on the movie and her continuing interest in reviving historical silent movies with her new film scores.
There will be other related screenings and lectures the 24th through 26th, and you can find more about those here.