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Celebrate accomplishments in gender equality at the 3rd annual Strive Awards

On March 30th, the University of Illinois Women’s Resources Center will be hosting the third annual Strive Awards. The Strive Awards are recognitions given out to students, faculty, and staff nominated by others who have been doing work towards gender equality on the U of I campus.

This year’s awards will be hosted at the on campus YMCA at 1001 S. Wright St. from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Awards include:

  • The Advocate Award: This honor is for a faculty member, staff member, or student who consistently “walks the walk” and advocates for gender equity in their everyday lives, even when it’s hard.
  • The Scholar Award: This award is for a faculty member, staff member, or student who advocates for and advances gender equity through their academic and professional endeavors.
  • The Dr. Ruth Nicole Brown Coalition Award: This honor is for a student who brings diverse groups of people together across identity lines to advance gender equity.
  • The Pat Morey Legacy Award: This award is for a student who engages in gender equity work that will benefit the University of Illinois campus long after they graduate.
  • The Strive Together Award: This honor will go to a Registered Student Organization (RSO) that has made significant contributions towards gender equity during the current academic year.

Here you can find the previous award winners and more information about the specific awards and what they stand for. 

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