Smile Politely

C-U ex-pat Langston Allston’s artwork featured on Kweku Collins merch

Former Champaign-Urbana resident Langston Allston has landed on some merch by Chicago rapper Kweku Collins. Allston is a fairly recognizable artist, his work is amazing — check out his website linked above. You’ve likely seen his artwork around the community: Sipyard, Cafeteria & Company, Shatterglass Studios, and more around town. The shirt design was made by Allston ahead of Collins’ performance at Pitchfork Music Festival in July.

Oh, and Kweku Collins is performing in Urbana in a few weeks at PYGMALION: Friday September 28th at the IMC with JPEGMAFIA and NP0.





Yo, I still really fuck with this t-shirt. @langstonallston snapped. I have some left they’re on my website

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