Smile Politely

Boyle stands up for St. Patrick, against ‘orgiastic defilement’ thereof

In the most high-minded dismissal of Unofficial to date, U of I law professor Francis Boyle has called upon Governor Quinn to put a stop to the “orgiastic defilement of St. Patrick” by suspending all Champaign liquor licenses on March 2. From the Sun-Times

The governor’s “first name is Patrick and hopefully he would be concerned his patron saint is being defiled in this way by a gang of mercenary bar and liquor store owners getting the youth in this area stinking drunk in the name of St. Patrick,” Boyle said. Boyle sent Quinn a letter dated Feb. 8, linking the pub crawls to a variety of bad behavior and asking him to take action.

So, if you’re going to engage in any orgiastic defilement next month, leave good St. Patrick’s name out of it.

Oh, and just to make sure we have all of our bases covered: Orgiastic defilement. Orgiastic defilement. Orgiastic defilement. 

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