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Bones Jugs does Bone Thugs

Wasn’t it just a matter of time until this happened? Local band Bones Jugs N Harmony doesn’t have much crossover in music or style with the hip hop group they their name from, however, they recently decided to take a stab at covering a song by Bone Thugs N Harmony. Here’s what they have to say about it:

Originally released on April 23, 1996, “Tha Crossroads” by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony broke down musical genres and reached #1 on 3 different Billboard charts: Hot 100, R&B, and Rap. The juxtaposition of serious, somber lyrics with upbeat melodic delivery connected with music fans from all walks of life and made this song a landmark hit of the mid 90’s.

Out of respect for the original artists, and in keeping with the heavy themes of life and death, we’ve created a cover that maintains the serious tone of the Bone Thugs version. However, instead of electronic synthesizers and drum machines, we recorded it with live instruments; mainly an antique whiskey jug and some bones.

Listen to and download tha song for free on Bandcamp:

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