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BEST Political Tweet of the decade: Carol Ammons’ Takedown of Bruce Rauner

From our BEST Culture of the decade feature:

Though there’s a good amount of red in this state, it is still sometimes hard to believe that Bruce Rauner served as our state’s governor for a few years. You probably saw him at one point or another, wearing his Carhartt jacket (and oh god, don’t get me started about this one) around Champaign County to try to fit in here, an area Rauner somehow assumed to be full of people that couldn’t see through his bullshit. Thankfully, we can see right through that bullshit to a tweet like this one, which hit dead on in every capacity it could. Representative Carol Ammons, coming in hot right here with this absolute scorcher of a tweet:

I love this total burn to Rauner, a billionaire who certainly doesn’t have as much (if any) experience riding public transit as many of his constituents do. While I’m not sure if he ever saw this tweet, we certainly did. (Patrick Singer)

Photo by Carol Ammons

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