Smile Politely

BEST Kid’s Program of the decade: Pens to Lens

From our BEST Arts of the decade feature:

Few programs bring together such a wide variety of talented artists as Pens to Lens’ yearly screenwriting and filmmaking competitions. Started in 2013, Pens to Lens inspired young filmmakers and screenwriters to work hard enough to get the chance to see their film shown or their screenplay brought to life. By connecting K-12 schools throughout East Central Illinois with the resources of the CU Film Society and Champaign-Urbana Moviemakers, Pens to Lens has shown us what’s possible when working artists come partner with educators. Kids dream bigger, work harder, and experience things that they might not otherwise have access to. Replete with red carpet and movie posters designed by local artists and designers, the Pens to Lens yearly gala has been a celebrated family event for years now. Looking ahead to 2021, Pens to Lens plans to expand the student filmmaking competition to enable more students to bring their stories to the screen themselves. With this as its primary focus, the screenwriting program will take a hiatus, with the promise of a future return. We look forward to seeing our local film screen grow with the continued efforts of Pens to Lens. (Debra Domal)

Photo by Steve Pratten

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