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40 North is showcasing Unit 4 art teachers this Friday

This Friday, May 18th, will open the Those Who Teach, Can art exhibition featuring works by Unit 4 art teachers. It’s a pretty cool opportunity for these teachers to showcase the type of work they can do, and have their stuff on display for a change, rather than their students. The opening reception will be from 6 to 9 p.m., and the work will be on display at 40 Point One | art space, 1300 S. Neil St. Here’s the info from the Facebook event:

A group of accomplished art teachers set out to dispel a common myth about the abilities of teachers with their show. The artwork, from Champaign Unit 4 School District Art Teachers, represents the diverse talents of its faculty, working in a range of media. These artists/teachers prove that they CAN with their creative, inspirational and thoughtful works of art.

suzie berkes
carol-lynn comparetto
josh doniek
melissa farley
scott fernsberg
stacey gross
larry hermosillo
amy johnson
rachel kinney
janice knight
amy lozar
enrika stulpinaite-maldonado
john odum
emily pawlicki
shannon percoco
priscilla putman
ravyn rodgers
grant thomas
emily young
lolita zwettler

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