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2016 Linowes Lecture with Prof. James A. Robinson

The Cline Center for Democracy  would like to invite the public to listen to Prof. James A. Robinson of the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy who will be delivering the 2016 Linowes Lecture on April 18th at 3:30 PM in Lincoln Hall, Room 1000, 702 S. Wright St. Urbana, IL. The event is free and open to the public.

His talk, titled “Living with Leviathan: How Political Accountability Shapes the Fate of Nations Worldwide” will describe his work on the social institutions that enable nations to achieve peace and prosperity by balancing state strength with legal and political accountability. With the human costs of weak and failing governments and the brutality of autocratic ‘strong-arm’ rule simultaneously making headlines every day, Prof. Robinson’s decades of fieldwork and novel statistical analyses could not be more relevant.

James A. Robinson is the author, with MIT economist Daron Acemoglu, of the New York Times bestseller Why Nations Fail. Robinson previously held appointments at UC Berkeley and Harvard, and was named one of Foreign Policy’s “Top 100 Global Thinkers.” While the typical political science paper is cited less than half a dozen times; Why Nations Fail has been cited by scholars nearly 3,500 times (and represents less than 10% of his total citation count).  

Additional information about the Linowes Lecture can be found on our website. You may RSVP via our Facebook event page.

About the Cline Center
The Cline Center for Democracy is an interdisciplinary social science research organization — part of the University of Illinois’ College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS). The Cline Center uses cutting-edge techniques to help better understand complex processes including regime change, economic development, ethnic and religious identity politics, civil unrest and conflict.

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