Smile Politely

No Vote For Me

I’m not voting in this election. I doubt I will ever vote again. It would take a miracle to get me to do so.

My last vote was cast during the 2000 election. I can remember the day exactly as it happened. I wore the biggest grin as I went into the polling place, voter registration ticket and identification in hand. I was determined to make a difference. I was so afraid of George Bush winning that year, but I felt secure that Al Gore would win. To me, it was like choosing between Heidi Klum and Rosie O’Donnell. I would do anything to get with Heidi Klum and I would have done anything to prevent George Dub-ya from winning that year.

Watching the results of the election horrified me. I think I might have actually welled up with tears a bit. It was an emotional roller coaster that I will never forget. Newscasters erroneously awarded the prize to Gore and then came back on air to announce that the election results weren’t official and that they had made a mistake by declaring Gore the winner. And then the Florida quagmire came into play. Five weeks later, Gore conceded the election as a disparaged man. He knew he got screwed and most of America agreed with him. After all, he did win the popular vote.

The same day that Gore conceded is the same day that I vowed never to vote again. I voted in 2000 because I was told that my vote counted, that my vote could determine an election and that my right to vote was indelible, as long as I didn’t commit a felony. The 2000 election made me feel that my vote didn’t count, that I had no impact on an election and that I had just wasted my time by voting. I was furious, sad, confused and skeptical.

I understand how the Electoral College works and I realize that it is in the Constitution for a reason, but when the Electoral College’s presidential choice doesn’t reflect the voice of America, then it fails. It not only failed in 2000, but also in 1824, 1876 and 1888. People say that the Electoral College is put in place so that transient public opinion doesn’t determine an election. I get this point, but why the hell can’t we amend the Constitution so that each state’s electors have to support the popular vote of that state? I think that only Maine and Nebraska do this, but I could be wrong.

I had to get a new license at the beginning of this summer and when I was there, they asked me if I wanted to register to vote. Without hesitation, I said, “Yes.” I decided that I might reverse my decision, but as the election nears, I have realized that voting just seems pointless to me.

My opinion of the candidates is this: Obama is charismatic and he can be extremely persuasive. McCain isn’t very charming, but he’s a bulldog and he can obviously handle stress thanks to his POW experience.

That is all the thoughts that I have on these men. All I know is that I don’t think it would be wise to have another Republican running our country, but I’m not the one to make that decision. When I saw Obama’s commercial, before the resumption of what turned out to be the last game of the World Series, he made me feel that I had to vote for him. For a second, I actually thought I would. However, just before Fox aired the start of the game, McCain’s ad came on and I said, “Screw it.”

I just don’t feel that my vote counts at all. The Electoral College decides who wins, not me, not you, not Brad Pitt, not Oprah and not even God. Until we fix our voting system, I won’t vote. People have told me that if I don’t vote, then I have no business complaining. They are wrong, though. The First Amendment gives me the right to speak my mind, so that’s what I do. Just because I don’t vote doesn’t mean I can’t voice an opinion.

I hope that this year’s election goes better than the election in 2000. I hope that Florida has everything in order and I hope that whoever wins can ameliorate our economic crisis. What I hope for most is that someday our popular vote will mean something. Until that day comes, I’m not voting.

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