Smile Politely

The Overture: May 11–17

With school, work, family, and the culmination of all your academic endeavors, who has the time to find out about the best shows happening in Champaign-Urbana? No need to fear, because the editors here at Smile Politely have taken care of it. Here are the must-see shows of the week:

When: Monday May 11

What: Adam’s Castle

Where: Canopy Club; 9 p.m.; Free

In the early aught’s of this decade, post-rock bands like Mogwai, Explosions in the Sky, Godspeed, Maserati and the like basically changed the face of rock music for a moment or two by using their melodic prowess on their instruments to convey the same sort of power that vocals do for pop bands. One of the most under-rated, and unknown, was Detroit’s Adam’s Castle. Known around these parts for being tourmates with Absinthe Blind, the band makes it’s triumphant return to C-U tonight to open for Zmick as part of Monday Night Miracle.

When: Tuesday May 12

What: The Piano Man

Where: Outside of Canopy Club; 1:30 a.m.; Free

Most days, we’d never endorse this type of douchebaggery, but since it’s Finals week, we’ll just say that it might be entertaining to see 1000 of these people spill out into the street at 1:30 a.m. Grab some food and conceal a beverage and watch the idiocy fly.

When: Friday May 15

What: Grieves w/ Budo and Krukid

Where: Canopy Club; 7 p.m.; $8 in advance and $10 at the door

Shows on the last night of finals are notoriously under-attended. We expect this one to be the same. It’s unfortunate though, because Grieves brings hip-hop to the level — where it should be. Backed by Budo, Boy Genius blogger and former C-U resident, he brings a stage show to a concert that otherwise wouldn’t have one. Oh, and look at that? Krukid is back in town, and will be making his return to the mic at this very show.


When: Friday May 15

What: Smile Politely Brings Back the House Party with New Ruins, Common Loon, Tractor Kings, Casados, John Hoeffleur, and Jorge and Thee S-words

Where: 610 W. Hill St., 7 p.m., free

It’s Gillian Gabriel’s birthday, so she decided to have six bands over to help her celebrate. House parties are inherently awesome, and this one should be no exception. Admission is free, it’s BYOB, there are six great local bands on the bill, and it’s a great chance to blow off some of that post-finals, pre-graduation stress. The schedule hasn’t been totally nailed down yet, so check the Facebook invite beforehand if you have a particular band that you’re coming to see.

When: Saturday, May 16

What: WRFU 104.5 FM Tower Benefit with The Duke of Uke (and His Novelty Orchestra!), John Hoeffleur (of the Beauty Shop), Usopp the Liar (ex-Monster Honkey), Jack Pine Savage, Crystalline Scoggins, William Gillespie, Swedish Lawn Games, Clarabelle Bean, Dottie and the ‘Rail, Aaron Ammons, Eleni Moraites, Cody Sokolski, Elizabeth Simpson, Andy Moreillon, Peninsula, Tree Thump, and Sandunga

Where: Mike ‘n Molly’s, 5:30 p.m., $4

WRFU’s temporary tower license expires this summer, so they need to raise sufficient funds to erect a permanent tower. This is a great way to support community radio and see some great local music and speakers.

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