Smile Politely

The Overture: August 16 – 22

WHAT: Krannert Uncorked with Michael Kammin

WHERE: Krannert Center (free)

WHEN: Thursday, August 19th at 5 p.m.

Michael Kammin’s soothing finger style guitar should go nicely with a glass of wine in the Krannert lobby. Enjoy, and if you see a roving freshman — be nice.

WHAT: Daikaiju, Robot Witch Family

WHERE: Iron Post ($TBA)

WHEN: Thursday, August 19th at 9 p.m.

The folks behind the awesomely weird Surfabilly Freakout bring an equally off the beaten path band to town in Daikaiju (the best way I can describe them is the Residents + surf rock + kabuki theater + Godzilla). It’s a cheap show at one of the coolest venues in town, plus we’re betting you might want to get away from the returning hordes of UIUC students anyways. The ungoogleable Robot Witch Family will open up the proceedings. Judging by the name, they should fit right in.


WHAT: A Mostly Harmless Standup Show with Collin A. Bullock, Marcos Lara, Joe Larkin, Jason Dockins, Rich Castle, Warren Ray

WHERE: Canopy Club ($10)

WHEN: Friday, August 20th at 6:30 p.m.

Collin Bullock’s press bio informs us that he “has been doing stand up for about two years now, but has had a small penis all his life.” And as if you needed another reason to go to this show, proceeds will benefit the Times Center.


WHAT: The Curses, Mayhew the Traitor

WHERE: Memphis on Main ($TBA)

WHEN: Friday, August 20 at 9 p.m.

Two of the most underappreciated bands in town share this bill (Mayhew are technically from Macomb, but I digress). Mayhew the Traitor kick things off with their confrontational brand of alt-country, while the Curses will close out the night with their high-energy stage show. So get out to Memphis on Main Friday night, and check out the excellent cover of Radiohead’s “Life in a Glass House” up on Mayhew the Traitor’s Myspace while you’re at it.


WHAT: Hot Cops, Withershins, This is Versailles

WHERE: Cowboy Monkey ($5)

WHEN: Friday, August 20th at 10:00 p.m.

Champaign’s punk and shoegaze sensibilities will be on display at this show, starting with Chicago’s This is Versailles, who utilize the same mixture of impassioned vocals and complex instrumental work that have made bands like Native and So Many Dynamos so successful. Withershins follow with their intricate and soaring guitar work, and Hot Cops will close out with their always intense live set.


WHAT: You and Yourn, Generifus, Morgan Orion, Megan Johns

WHERE: Red Herring ($5)

WHEN: Saturday, August 21st at 8 p.m.

Wonderfully quirky antifolk singer/songwriter Morgan Orion marks his return from a summer busking in Europe in excellent fashion. Our readers should already be well familiar with You and Yourn and Megan Johns, but Generifus is definitely worth a listen as well, as the Olympia, Washington based artist has recorded with Karl Blau, among others.

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