Smile Politely

Some ambiance with your art

Tonight at 6 p.m. at the Parkland Art Gallery, Good Night and Good Morning will bring their unique “mellow song-writing and a large touch of ambiance” to bear for a free instrumental show. If you’re not familiar with GNAGM’s live show, the duo projects gauzy Super 8 movies onto a sheet suspended behind them while they play moody slowcore. It’s a trip, so check it out tonight.

The gents in the band responded to a bunch of questions through that wonderful series of tubes called the internets.

Smile Politely: What’s your standard lineup? Who plays what?

Good Night and Good Morning: Ryan plays electric guitar and sings, Pat plays vibraphone.

SP: Have you played in an art museum before? Any complications or advantages that you expect?

GNAGM: We played the same opening reception last year, and realized it would be more appropriate to play our songs instrumental for a show like this.

SP: How does the songwriting process work for you?

GNAGM: Song structure usually begins with guitar, other instrumentation and melodies are built on. Lyrics usually follow after that.

SP: How would you describe your sound for someone who’s never heard your music before?

GNAGM: Mellow song-writing and a large touch of ambiance.

SP: Was there a moment when you realized that you wanted to be a musician? How did that come about?

GNAGM: There wasn’t one particular moment, but like a lot of junior high kids we were sort of just fascinated by anything related to music. When you’re that age there is something really appealing about the lifestyle of a musician, and eventually all of that baggage disappears and you’re just left with the enjoyment of writing and listening to songs.

SP: What’s a singer or band that you’ve been compared to that you don’t think is representative at all, and why not?

GNAGM: People say we sound like Elliot Smith or sometimes Morrissey. We don’t really hear it. People also say that Pat looks Ben Folds and Ryan looks like Dave Grohl. Guess we don’t really see that either.

SP: What is the greatest album of all time? Why?

GNAGM: All-time greatest? That’s a little tough. American Analog Set’s Set Free, Sigur Ros’s Parenthesis and Winston Jazz Routine’s Sospiri are some of our long time favorites, and more recently anything by Spokane, Sun Kil Moon or Bedhead/New Year.

SP: What was your favorite band when you were in junior high?

GNAGM: Modest Mouse, Coldplay, CKY

SP: Are you full-time musicians or do you have a side gig?

GNAGM: We’re both full-time students with part-time jobs.

SP: What do you like to do in your spare time?

GNAGM: Ryan skates, Pat thinks about how he wishes he could skate.

SP: Where do you get the movie footage that you play during your shows?

GNAGM: Pat shot it on super eight film.

SP: Would you like to say anything else that wasn’t covered in these questions?

GNAGM: We’ve sort of locked ourselves up for the last eight or nine months writing and recording this EP. It comes out on May 26th, and we’re very eager to begin playing for people again.

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