Smile Politely

Rock Against Rape Benefit Show This Saturday at the Highdive

Though not as heinous as the act of rape itself, blaming rape victims is an infuriating practice that, for reasons beyond this writer, has not yet died. (You might ask the Los Angeles Times or Cosmo> about that
one — both have run articles since the beginning of the year that did exactly that.)

Locally, we’re fortunate to have Rape Crisis Services. Not only are they advocating for and providing services to victims of rape, they’re also educating students and community members about sexual harassment, rape and how to support rape victims. And they’re out there dispelling rape myths, too (such as that it could be a victim’s fault).

This Saturday night, five local bands will come together to raise money to support all of Rape Crisis Services’ programs at the fifth annual Rock Against Rape.

Pay $4 to see five bands, all of the proceeds will go to the organization.

Local singer/songwriter favorites Angie Heaton and Eleni Moraites play with three newcomers: Lumus (rockers with their influences firmly planted in the 70s), Dottie and the ‘Rail (a tough-as-nails Nashville
veteran backed by a country band comprised of former members of the Violents, Signalmen, Imaginary Posse, Mad Science Fair, Lonely Trailer, etc.), and Chairman Meow (riot grrrls formerly known as “Formerly Known as TBA”).

Rock Against Rape starts at 6 p.m. at the Highdive (51 E. Main, Champaign).

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