Smile Politely

Rebecca Rego and company at Library House

Located at 123 Askapunk Dr. Urbana, IL; the Library House looks simple on the outside, like any other house in Urbana. However on the inside it is funky and downright amazing.

The first artist, Jake Stanton style can be described as acoustic, folksy and melancholy. Hailing originally from Kansas City, his lyrics are emotional, beautiful and deep. The next artist, Daniel Amedee & Gold Light, was interesting in the best possible way. From the use of drum beats, to the singer’s voice and lyrical style; Amedee’s passion and uniqueness flows is so present in his work.

Finally, Rebecca Rego brought more energy to her performance than I have seen in a long time. Putting every ounce of heart into her performances, her band works together to provide entertainment that is simply electric.

While this was my first experience at Library House it certainly will not be my last.

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