Smile Politely

Push Play: Volume 1

I’ve never quite considered myself a Led Zeppelin fan. When I speak to people about my record collection the immediate question that follows is “Oh, what do you have?” I tell them mostly old, some new. I like my collection, I say. Then they ask, without fail, “Oh, so like Led Zeppelin and stuff?” If they’re old, they’ll say misty eyed, “Yeah, I listened to them in my day. I bet you wouldn’t guess it now though, would you?” I say yes and figure they get the general gist of what’s actually in my collection. I found myself, however, listening to this band named Kuroma, whose song, “Alexander Martin,” sounds like it could have come off of Led Zeppelin III.

And despite that noticeable similarity, I love this song. Sure, it’s a little retro, but their EP, Paris, varies stylistically. At first I thought I wouldn’t have a chance to listen to the whole record because it’s only sold at shows, but recently the eight-track EP was put up to be streamed on the band’s website.

Mr. Hank Sullivant who, as you may know, is the founder of the Whigs and is currently playing guitar for MGMT, created this new band as well. I look forward to seeing them someday; If only Sullivant could hear my wishes.

So I have rock in one hand, but in the other appendage of my musical likings, I cradle a slight obsession with electronic and remixed music. Still, other than the remixing work of Modeselektor, I tend to like original versions of songs better. Sometimes I’m wrong though, and Kocky’s version of Terry Lynn’s “Kingston Logic” left me standing corrected.

Terry Lynn – Kocky/Kingston Logic

Now back to Modeselektor. If you don’t know this Berlin-based duo (even though Thom Yorke wore their t-shirt at his Lollapalooza performance) here’s an original song, not a remix, to get acquainted:

Modeselektor feat. Sasha Perera – Silikon

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