Smile Politely

Introducing Songs in 90 Seconds

You may find it hard to believe, but here in the Smile Politely music section we really do appreciate conciseness — especially when it comes to music. A song that can throw down a few hooks and a chorus or two and know when to call it a day is simply a marvelous thing. Don’t get us wrong, we love the epic sweep of a fifteen minute song with a long buildup, dynamic shifts and reoccurring motifs, but if every song was like that we’d all be listening to Rush all the time. Sometimes we like to have a nibble, a 100-calorie snack, something that leaves us wanting more.

And that’s why we’ve partnered with local bands for our new Songs in 90 Seconds project. It’s a pretty simple concept; we ask local bands to submit a song in 90 seconds or less. It’s a chance for the bands to try something a little different and a chance for the rest of us to appreciate what a great local music scene we have. Hopefully, you’ll find this a gateway to get to know more local bands. There are a lot of great ones that will be represented here in the coming months.

We kick things off with folk poppers The Palace Flophouse and their song, “Missouri.” “Missouri” is a song that singer/guitarist Bradley Bergstrand originally recorded and released a couple of years ago in a longer version. However, that was when he was mostly a one-man band; this is the first time the full band has worked on it. At exactly 90 seconds, this blistering pop song is the perfect way to kick things off. Give it a spin below  — you can even download it and put it on your iPod to go along with your 90 Second Workout.

The Palace Flophouse – Missouri
(to download right click and select save as)

The Palace Flophouse is:
Bradley Bergstrand – Vox, guitar
Gretchen Shaw – Vox, keys
Nathan Fry – Bass, vox
Asa Dawson – Drums

The Palace Flophouse performs this Friday at Mike ‘n Molly’s with Laarks — who we interviewed last spring. (10 p.m. $5)

You can listen to a full interview with The Palace Flophouse’s Bergstrand on our latest podcast.

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