Smile Politely

A Call to Arms: Smile Politely needs you


As Champaign-Urbana’s independent online magazine, we attempt to provide the community with passionate, trustworthy, informed points of view on local music, arts and culture. Our contributors range in age from high school students to fifty-somethings, and with that diversity comes a wide range of knowledge.

But there is one thing missing you.

Smile Politely’s music editors are currently soliciting volunteer writers to add their distinct point of view to the overall aura of Smile Politely. There is a lot about music that we simply do not know. We don’t know the secret identity of Question Mark (of Question Mark and the Mysterians) or the eyeball-toting Residents, or why artists bother to conceal their identities in the first place.

We don’t know why Jefferson Airplane suddenly became Jefferson Starship (although I’ll admit that Starship’s “Blows Against the Empire” is probably the second best concept album about doing drugs in outer space ever). Hell, I don’t think I can even name a local country band or explain why Bell Biv DeVoe is popular again.

But I bet you can. And I bet you know some people who can, too.

We don’t pretend to know everything, but we know that we will be a stronger publication with you on board. Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, because we aren’t as good without you.

Shoot us an email to explaining why you would be an excellent addition to our roster and be sure to include any clips of previous work that you have available.


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