Smile Politely

Market Watch: Summer drags on… and that’s good!

Well, the forecast looks good — amazingly good — the kind of good you never see in mid-July around these parts, with its temperatures in the low 70s and copious sunshine. And we don’t think they’re kidding this time. It’s going to be a heck of a Market, with just about every kind of produce you can think of meeting hula hoops, jewelry, toffee, leather goods, candles and much more. Hula hoops!

We urge everyone to throw open the windows and cook this weekend, the weather demands that you fire up the grill for your veggies (like corn) and your meats, and you can even turn on the oven without fear. Maybe you can bake some of these things using peaches or nectarines found at the Market… YUM.

Produce this week:

arugula, basil, beets, blackberries, blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cilantro, cucumbers, field greens, garlic scapes, green beans, green onions, kale, kohlrabi, leaf lettuce, leeks, nectarines, onions, parsley, peaches, potatoes, raspberries, spinach, sugar snap and other peas, summer squash, SWEET CORN, swiss chard, tomatoes, turnips, zucchini and we’re sure we’re forgetting something…

Events this week:

Look for Courtney Rushforth of Urbana’s recycling program. She’ll be at the Market this Saturday to answer any and all questions regarding recycling in Urbana and elsewhere. Look for her near the northwest entrance to the Market, right next to the City tent.

See you at the Market!

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