Smile Politely

Market Watch: August 27, 2010

Goodness. The pace has picked up so much around these parts that MW darn near forgot to submit a column for this week. As it is, it will have to be short, as there is much work to be done, things to get caught up on, shopping lists to make, etc. Yes, shopping lists — MW makes one before the Market each week — it helps to plan ahead. It cuts down on waste and keeps MW (and MW’s better half) cooking, instead of in restaurants, which is not a bad thing.

Speaking of lists, here’s a little list of what you’ll be able to find at the Market this week: green beans, rainbow chard, okra, cabbage, fresh herbs, lettuces (better arrive early if you want some), many varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, summer squash, peaches, nectarines, plums, early apples, eggplant, kohlrabi, blackberries (?), sweet corn, potatoes, garlic, fresh whole onions, all kinds of melons, and who knows what else. Of course, there will be a vast array of frozen, farm-raised meat at the Market, as always, as well as goat cheese, honey, and baked goods. Please note that MW left eggs off the list — due to huge demand for eggs not from a grocery store, and due to hens being more stressed this time of year because of the heat and changes in amount of daylight, neither Triple S nor Moore Family Farm will have eggs for sale at the Market tomorrow. As for prepared foods, Veggie Trails is gone this weekend, as is Fryer Tuck and their lovely egg and sausage sandwiches. Just a reminder, too, that Baking Bakers, the folks who were doing the gluten-free baked goods in Row 5 next to Tiny Greens, are done for the season. You can contact the Market’s director for the Bakers’ contact information if you need a recipe or want to order something.

Special events this week: local artist Justine Bursoni will be leading this month’s Art at the Market workshop. Participants of all ages are welcome to come and paint with paints that Ms. Bursoni tinted using fruits and vegetables. The event starts at 8 a.m., and runs until the Market closes at noon. Thanks, Urbana Public Arts Program, for sponsoring these TOTALLY FREE events!

Also, Urbana’s 35th Annual Sweetcorn Festival is ON, people. The festivities start today (Friday) and continue Saturday from 11 a.m.–11 p.m. Market Watch will have some corn, certainly, but will also be in the front row, shamelessly singing along to this song and this song and maybe even THIS SONG!! when Soul Asylum hits the stage 9 p.m.-ish on Saturday night. For a preview of what to expect, check this out.

Just a reminder to all users of credit, debit, and LINK cards: the Market now accepts all of these at the City tent. You can bring your card(s) to the tent, located at the Market’s NW entrance, get them swiped for whatever transaction amount you desire (credit and debit purchases carry a $1.00 service charge), and you’ll get tokens that are spendable anywhere within the Market. Pretty dang cool. Of course, cash and checks are gladly accepted by all Market vendors — this is just another payment option.

If you need another canvas grocery bag to add to the menagerie, Market totes are available once again for the low, low price of $8. More t-shirts are available — if MW heard right, there are a few kids’ sizes! These will also look totally awesome when you wear them on campus! Anyway, the City is accepting cash and checks only for these items, not their own Market money, which is kind of funny. MW has heard that Common Ground Food Co-op will be carrying the bags and shirts at their store in coming days, so if you were denied at the Market, try the co-op. MW also hears the City is considering shipping these items outside the area for former residents who desperately miss Urbana’s Market. Email Lisa, the Market’s Director, if you’re an out-of-towner who needs some Market merch.

Have a great weekend! Rock out! Eat corn!

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