Smile Politely

Market Watch: August 14, 2010

At the risk of sounding like a mostly-broken record, MW has to break it to you: the weather will be hot and the produce will be amazing this weekend at Urbana’s Market at the Square. While things are a bit dry around these parts, rain has fallen on other areas, including those inhabited by several of the Market’s growers. Produce and flowers… in abundance. But it’s going to be hot, OK? MW recommends going to the Market early in the day, but if you cannot make it early, make sure you show up to the Market wearing sunscreen, toting some extra water, and maybe sporting a hat. It also helps to shop with a list, just like at the grocery store.

Speaking of, here’s a little list of what you’ll be able to find this week: green beans, rainbow chard, kale, okra, green onions, cabbage, fresh herbs, lettuces (better arrive early if you want some), tomatoes, cucumbers, summer squash, turnips, peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, early apples, eggplant, kohlrabi, raspberries, gooseberries, currants, sweet corn, potatoes, garlic, fresh whole onions, and who knows what else.

Of course, there will be a vast array of frozen, farm-raised meat at the Market, as always, as well as goat cheese, honey, eggs, baked goods, and prepared foods — by the way, Veggie Trails should be back this weekend, but Tiny Greens is taking the week off. MW also received the sad news today that Baking Bakers, the folks who were doing the gluten-free baked goods in Row 5 next to Tiny Greens, are done for the season. You can contact the Market’s director for the Bakers’ contact information in case you need a recipe or want to order something.

MW’s mom is visiting from the Pacific NW this week and brought The Grand Central Baking Book as a gift. Peaches are still raging, full on, and the peach pie recipe in this book is simple, and basically what MW is saying right now is go bake yourself a peach pie with all these crazy peaches that are going to be out there. Pie isn’t hard. I think people freak out about crust, which is understandable, but that’s not that hard, either. MW loves Julia Child’s pate brisee, and it’s easy! Find it in this book and make yourself a pie after it cools off later this weekend!

Just a reminder to all users of credit, debit and LINK cards: the Market now accepts all of these at the City tent. You can bring your card(s) to the tent, located at the Market’s NW entrance, get them swiped for whatever transaction amount you desire (credit and debit purchases carry a one dollar service charge), and you’ll get tokens that are spendable anywhere within the Market. Pretty dang cool. Of course, cash and checks are gladly accepted by all Market vendors — this is just another payment option.

If you need another canvas grocery bag to add to the menagerie, Market totes are available once again for the low, low price of $8. More t-shirts are available — if MW heard right, there are a few kids’ sizes! Anyway, the City is accepting cash and checks only for these items, not their own Market money, which is kind of funny. MW has heard that Common Ground Food Co-op will be carrying the bags and shirts at their store in coming days, so if you were denied at the Market, try the co-op. MW also hears the City is considering shipping these items outside the area for former residents who desperately miss Urbana’s Market. Email  the Market’s Director, if you’re an out-of-towner who needs some Market merch.

Have a great weekend! Eat well!

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