Smile Politely

Market Watch: A holiday shopping experience

Market at the Square is open for business as usual this Saturday, July 4, and we can’t think of anything more patriotic than coming out and asserting your food independence. Support the local growers that provide us with such a wide variety of fresh produce during the growing season — get thee to the Lincoln Square Village parking lot and enjoy what promises to be a chill, yet loaded, holiday Market at the Square.

Produce highlights include the first appearance of peaches from Sager Farms in southern Ill. (they’ll be along Illinois Street), and the barest hint! The briefest whiff! of the possibility of sweet corn. This hasn’t been confirmed, and might not happen until next week, but there’s a chance you might see some of this locally-grown delicacy this weekend. Come early and see, and get some for you’re grills. While you’re at it, there’s meat a-plenty for you carnivores out there, and I hear there’s a sale on some goat cheese from Prairie Fruits Farm. YUM.


This week’s produce: arugula, basil, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cilantro, cucumbers, field greens, garlic scapes, green beans, green onion, kale, kohlrabi, leaf lettuce, leeks, nectarines, parsley, peaches, potatoes, radishes, spinach, sugar snap and other peas, summer squash, swiss chard, tomatoes, turnips, and zucchini.

Oh – Urbana’s own Blue Moon Farm now has a website, and you can follow them on Twitter, too. Give ‘em some love, willya?

See you at the Market!

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