Smile Politely

We’re With It. We’re Hip. Tucka, Tucka, Tucka …

Twitter: We send out a few tweets a day, letting you know when something cool is going on, either on the site or around town. We love it when folks send us tips. Follow us, and let your friends know, too.

Facebook: This is a good way to keep up with Smile Politely events and site news. We won’t bug you too much. But I can tell that we are gonna be friends.

User Accounts: Hate that your comments are in such a light font and everybody else has a cool picture next to their name? Then sign up for a user account, upload a photo, pimp your blog in your bio and just generally live la vida loca.

RSS Feeds: This is a good way to keep up with the site without actually going to the trouble of clicking here all the time. Scroll down and look on the right-hand side of the page to find the RSS subscription box.

Suggestions for ways we can better implement all of this newfangled technology are always welcome. Soon, we will have successfully harnessed the power of the internets, and we will be able to hold the world hostage for a ransom of ONE. MILLION. DOLLARS! (Maniacal, awkward laughter)

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