Smile Politely

Welcome to our new and improved magazine

With a few exceptions (Facebook, Twitter, SP Radio, Rob), we’ve been quiet for the past three weeks, but we’ve not been idle. Those of us involved in the redesign of this site have emailed, texted, IM’d, weeped, messaged, talked, and shouted about it daily. We’re all alcoholics now.

But I’m happy to say that everything our publisher promised you is now reality: the site is gorgeous; it’s more functional; it’s easier to read (especially for you mobile users); our blog is much easier to post to (again, especially for you mobile users); and commenting* will be no more bothersome than posting to Twitter or Facebook.

We can’t thank (or praise) our designers, Single Stereo, enough. They’re smart, funny, professional, imaginative, and extremely talented. And they have the patience of saints.

We truly hope that you’re as pleased with these changes as we are. Please let me know if you run across any glitches or bad links. The learning curve for all of this has been pretty high for someone like me (I still don’t understanding everything). I’ll want to know about problems you find or improvements you’d like to see.

As always, we thank you for reading. We love this community, this magazine, and especially your participation in it. We anticipate this new year to be an exciting one, and we’re delighted that you’ll be alone for the ride.

*Go here for html instructions for Disqus.


Image from Griff’s Homemade.

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