Smile Politely

Weekender: April 7-9

FRIDAY, April 7th

Visit a park, anytime, various locations

Friday is going to be your only sunny day this weekend so take advantage. Go visit one of Champaign Park District’s or Urbana Park District park and enjoy the newly green grass and paved paths. You’ll get exercise, fresh air, and some exposure to the unique prairie nature. (SL)


Start reading more, anytime, various locations

I am often telling myself, “you should read more.” The best way I have found to get more books in my hand is to read graphic novels and there are two local comic book stores in C-U that you can visit to try out a story. Check out G-Mart in Champaign or Action Jackson Comics in Urbana. (SL)


Drink free wine samples, Grovestone, 1707 W Kirby Ave, Champaign, noon to 5 p.m. and Saturday, noon to 4 p.m., free

Grovestone will be sampling wine, oil, and vinegar all weekend, and you should make a point of getting your free sample on. What makes grapes taste like vinegar or wine? Surely there will be some folks on hand to tell you. Grovestone is also running a sale on olive oil and vinegar: buy three, get one free. If you haven’t stopped by this good looking specialty retailer yet, free samples offer an easy excuse to do so. Photo from Facebook (JH)

Big Ten Men’s Gymnastics Championship, State Farm Center, 7pm, $11 adults, $8 18 and under

Last week it was the women, now it’s the men’s turn. Watched the #4 ranked Illini compete against the rest of the Big Ten field. Friday night is Team and All Around finals, Saturday at 7pm will be the event finals. The strength on display at these events is something to behold. You can purchase tickets online, and parking for the event is free. Go Illini! Photo from Facebook (JEM)

CLAW w/ Tara Terra + Kowabunga! Kid, The Canopy Club, 8 p.m., $15, 18+

If there’s one thing C-U does right, it’s CLAW (Champaign Ladies Amateur Wrestling), probably one of the most unique events in town (and maybe in the country?). This Friday’s rendition features bands Tara Terra and Kowabunga! Kid, as well as Bookmobile! and DJ Meggie Maru. Let’s rage. Plus, it’s a benefit for R.A.C.E.S., so what’s not to love? (BH)

Afterglow: Motes and Marathon, Krannert Center, 10 p.m., free

It’s always fun to see bands you like in different settings than you’re used to. This Afterglow show follows a performance of Iago’s Plot and is part of the Pygmalion Show Series. These ambient, minimalist rock acts will step out of their element and play a different stage than usual, where they’ll be supplying a healthy dose of indie and psychedelic jams to fill Krannert’s lobby. End your night out with a free show that will make you dreamy but not put you to sleep. (JTM)

SATURDAY, April 8th

C-U Make-a-thonC-U FabLab 1301 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. (and into Sunday), FREE

The fablab is ready to challenge every potential maker to consider how design can affect every potential industry and aspect of daily living. Come prepared with an idea, maybe a team of people you know, and willingness to create a prototype in 30 hours, for a chance to win prizes and recognition. There are also free seminars to attend or you can watch other creative types do what they do. If you want to make a thing, be sure to register. (RK) 

Polyvinyl Records pop-up shop, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., 717 S. Neil Street, cost depends

Typically you can’t waltz into Polyvinyl Records HQ and buy a record or two. There are places and avenues to do so here in C-U, but here’s your chance to check out their digs and pick up some music along the way this weekend. Check out the SPlog (linked above) for all the info about their first ever pop-up shop. (PS)

Financial Meeting of Owners, Common Ground Food Co-op, 2 to 4 p.m., free; open only to owners

If you’re an owner at Common Ground, then you likely received what I’d describe as a slightly strange and defensive email a few weeks ago about The State of Our Co-op. In short: profits are down, and the board and staff are going to be holding regular meetings with owners to start to figure things out. If you’re an owner, even one who doesn’t regularly shop at Common Ground, you may want to try to attend this weekend. It’s bound to be informative, and hopefully productive.(JH) 

Victor Wooten Trio, The Canopy Club, 7:30 p.m., $25 in advance / $30 at the door

The work of bass guitar virtuoso Victor Wooten has been acclaimed by critics of all sorts – it’s even gotten him named one of the Top 10 Bassists of All Time by Rolling Stone. The bassist, composer, guitarist, producer, and author has also won five Grammy Awards. This show is also backed by some of the biggest music collectives and organizations in C-U: KCPA, ELLNORA Guitar Festival, and C-U Folk and Roots Fest. With accolades and support like that, do you really need to know more? Don’t miss it. (JTM)

The Underwerewolves Album + Comic Book Release ShowCowboy Monkey, 19+, $7, 9 p.m.

Probably the funniest band name in Champaign-Urbana belongs to The Underwerewolves. Even more impressive than that, however, is the fact that they’re releasing a comic book in conjunction with their album, which has to be one of the most unique release shows C-U has seen in a few moons. They’ll be assisted on Saturday night by The Acme Principle and Lonely Trailer. (BH)

SUNDAY, April 9th

Check out a Human BookChampaign Public Library, 2 p.m., FREE

A popular event around the country and last seen here at Pygmalion Festival, the Human Library returns for another chance to “read” the stories of people with all kinds of different experiences. This interactive exhibit allows you to “check out” a human for 20 minutes at a time, listen to the story, and ask questions for a better understanding of someone who has lived through something unique. (RK)

Tony Conrad: Completely in the Present screening, The Art Theater, $8

There’s an interesting film screening taking place at the Art Theater on Sunday night — Tony Conrad: Completely in the Present — which is worth some attention this weekend. Tony Conrad is an experimental filmmaker in the simpliest sense, but a lot more than that if you do a little digging. Check out the press release (linked above) to learn more about him, and the screening itself. There’s a trailer, and info about Conrad and his legacy as well. (PS)


Euchre Tournament at Riggs Beer Company, 1901 S. High Cross Road, 3pm, free (the tournament…not the beer)

Riggs hosts a euchre tournament the second Sunday of each month. You can participate as an individual or a team. Cards and score sheets are provided. Not feeling confident in your euchre skills? Arrive at 2pm and get a refresher. It’s just for fun…no prizes or awards beyond pride in your superior card-playing skills. Photo from Facebook (JEM)


All event information is accurate to the best of our abilities, but sometimes we make mistakes and sometimes event information, times, prices, etc., change after we look them up. Whenever possible, we’ve provided a link to the original event page; you should always double-check the source before you make any firm plans. Thanks for your understanding.

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