Smile Politely

SP Radio Podcast: To Hear and To See

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On this episode of Smile Politely Radio we explore the visual aspect of music creation. That’s the inspiration behind artist Jason Michael Bentley’s upcoming exhibition, “To Hear and to See: Expressions of Local Music,” opening September 14 at the Independent Media Center. Bentley’s paintings aim to offer a different view of musicians and of music than what you would normally get from liner notes and promo sheets. Rather, they share and translate some of the intimacy of the creative process of local music through a different medium.

On the show, we ask him how this process got started, what he is out to capture with these paintings, and what kind of reaction he gets when he asks musicians if he can paint them.

The opening reception is Friday, September 14 from 7–9 p.m. We will have some live music from Ryan Groff, Electric Bitters (Acoustic), Megan Johns, and others. The exhibition runs from September 14 to October 4.

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