Smile Politely

Smile Politely Needs Your Help

Smile Politely is growing and could use some extra help. We’re seeking an experienced, local copyeditor who has an hour or so to spare per day and would be interested in lending a hand to our little community-oriented space on the web. This lucky person will be given the grand prize of … our house style guide! Wait, it gets even better! You’ll also receive … the opportunity to chastise our editors and writers about their inability to follow simple rules. How fun!

Smile Politely is also seeking local graphic designers with web experience who have an interest in designing advertisements, and potentially also working on site-specific design projects down the road. A great portfolio builder, for sure!

Finally, Smile Politely is seeking an editor to join our editorial staff and aid in coordinating the work of our writers. This person must have a keen interest in music and a knowledge of the local music scene. Writing chops are a must, and this position requires a daily effort. Rawk!

For the time being, we’re an all-volunteer run magazine. Get in on the ground floor and you can claim a stake to the millions of dollars that are sure to come … sometime soon! (At least, that’s what the founders of this magazine continue to tell us.) Interested parties should e-mail us at and include a brief summary of your relevant experience.

Onward and upward!

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