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Park It? Champaign Begins Accepting Applications for Hill Street Deck Permits

For those of you downtown dwellers ever on the watch and diligently moving your car in the a.m. hours to escape the eye of parking enforcement, your time has come. The City of Champaign is currently accepting applications to be placed on a waiting list for parking spots in the new Hill Street Parking Facility, but the convenience comes with a price tag.

The parking deck isn’t completed, but the city is taking requests at their Parking Programs Office located at 713 Edgebrook Dr. or online along with a $60 deposit fee.

The lot, features 200 daytime spots, 80 overnight spots, and 20 premium overnight spots that are located on the ground floor of the deck.

Prices for the first five months range from $60 a month for daytime parking to $110 for premium parking, but by July 2011 all parking prices will jump $40 a month. Drivers looking to snag a non-premium overnight spot must show proof of residency in the downtown area.

The Hill Street Parking Facility, located at 123 W. Hill St., opens in February 2009.

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