Smile Politely

Juneteenth should be a federal holiday

At Smile Politely, we are deeply aware of how much work needs to be done to start recreating this nation, and our own cities, to bring long overdue equity and justice to the African American community. One small, but monumental, way we could do that is by celebrating Juneteenth as a recognized holiday for all to learn from and appreciate. 
As such, we will not be publishing beyond this article today to honor Juneteenth, the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. We stand in solidarity with everyone who sees this day as being as important as we do.
It is our hope that our own city leaders will use the coming months to recognize it officially, and to use their voices to influence state leaders to do the same. Ours is a progressive state, and perhaps one day soon, it will be recognized at a Federal level, as well. 
Below, please find a list of ways you can participate and be supportive in Champaign-Urbana.

The Editorial Board is Seth Fein, Jessica Hammie, Julie McClure, and Patrick Singer.

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