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Double Derby: Twin City Derby Girls double header

On the chilly Saturday evening of April 9th, the Twin City Derby Girls (TCDG) hosted a hard-fought double header in their newly renovated home in the McKinley Fitness Center. Formerly a rather large pool, it’s been fitted and fixed up to hold a derby track- much to the delight of derby fans all over town.

First up was TCDG’s Evil Twins vs. Arch Rival Roller Derby’s (ARCH) St. Lunachix. While the introductions and greetings were full of fun and cordiality, when it was time to get down to business the Evil Twins turned on the physicality. With plenty of shoulders and hips flying, it seemed at the beginning that the bout was going to be fairly even. Just a few minutes in, however, saw the blockers of St. Lunachix having a hard time containing Evil Twins’s jammers. At halftime the score was starting to become a runaway, and it was a sure thing by the end of the bout with a final score of TCDG 183 to ARCH’s 75.

Below, your TCDG Evil Twins!

Next up was TCDG’s Dead Ringers pitted up against Quad City Rollers’s (QCRG) Mississippi Massacre. This time around the tables were reversed, as the Massacre jumped out to an immediate and lengthy lead, seemingly having no trouble sending their jammers around the track. At halftime the game was a bit of a runaway, with several lengthy power jams ending up going against the Dead Ringers. After a breather at halftime, they looked to rally in attempt to close the gap, but unfortunately the Massacre shifted into overdrive and secured a victory with the final score of QCRG 268 to TCDG’s 104.


Below, your TCDG Dead Ringers and QCRG Mississippi Massacre!

Great bouts by all, and an incredibly fun (and hard-fought) night! For information on the Twin City Derby Girls’s schedule and next bouts, check out their website or visit them on Facebook!

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