Smile Politely

Those who teach on display

From the sound of it, this is likely the last artist showcase at indi go in Downtown Champaign. Sad news, indeed, but that doesn’t takea way from this being a great exhibit. This time around, Unit 4 art teachers are showing you what they’re made of — namely, an extraordinary array of talent and styles that make this showcase so compelling and fun to go view.

I’ve been to a few Indi go shows, and they’ve all been great, but this one is special. Yes, artists featured at the co-op are locals, but these are our art teachers. And yes, there have been a variety of different kinds of art displayed, but this is even more varied. Yes, there have been (and are still) galleries in town, but this one won’t be with us any longer. There is melancholy to this celebration, perhaps; but it is overcome by a sense of pride. Pride in the talent on display. Pride in the work they do every day and the work that drives them to do more.

Among the pieces on display you can find graffiti, watercolor, wood art, ink art, sculptures, and even a Lego-style wall portrait. There is so much to look at that everyone can find some style of art they enjoy. Enjoy these photos of the event, and please, get out to see this gallery.

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