Smile Politely

“Math in the Arts” opens tonight at the Orpheum

Art educators in this community find it essential for students to have a space to display and discuss their artwork with our community. Beth Satterthwaite, an art educator at Leal Elementary School in Urbana, is no exception to the rule. This month, the Orpheum Children’s Science Museum has teamed up with Satterthwaite to provide Leal’s art students a space to showcase their artwork.

This is not a new adventure for the museum; its first art show was in 2007, thanks to Colleen Montgomery, museum associate, and Maddie Hall, her intern from Central High School. This month brings a new series to the museum called “Math in the Arts,” and the grand opening is tonight, Feb. 27, from 6 to 8 p.m. The public is highly encouraged to attend and socialize with the young artists.

In this month’s exhibit, students explore mathematical principles of design like radial symmetry and positive and negative shapes through art making techniques using various methods of printmaking, paper weaving, and mosaic, painting, and one-point perspective drawing. Orpheum’s newest series of art exhibits will present a new school from around Champaign-Urbana every month and host a gallery opening, providing students with an opportunity to speak about their artwork with other members in our community.

When asked what the inspiration was behind the third showing at the museum, Montgomery responded, “After seeing the students’ reactions of awe (from the first exhibit “Mona Lisa”) and appreciation [for] having their artwork on the walls of a public space, I thought it would be appropriate to give other students that opportunity.” Satterthwaite added, “It’s a very rare event for a lot of the students and they were really excited to showcase their abilities.”

And it’s true, who wouldn’t want to feel important and essential in their community? Twelve-year-old Anleen Cao, a student from Campus Middle School for Girls, said, “When you’re at school and look at it, it doesn’t look as good as it does on display. It looks pretty here.” Montgomery added, “All the students have been very appreciative and have enjoyed seeing other people look at their art.”

And where does the art go after this month? “I am currently in talks with Amy Lozar of Southside Elementary School to host the next show, which would be opening in the beginning of April. So far we have only discussed displaying exhibits at the museum, but I am open to having art shows in other venues,” Montgomery noted. Also, this is not the last time Leal students’ artwork will be visible to the community. According to Satterthwaite, “During the Boneyard Arts fest in April we have a full school display at the Urbana Free Library along with the five other elementary schools from Urbana.”

The event is free with admission to the museum: $2 for children 2 to 18 years old, and $3 for adults. If anyone is interested in hosting their own art show, please contact Colleen Montgomery.

(Photos by Justine Fein-Bursoni)


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