Smile Politely

Exile on Main Street moving from One Main

News from Exile on Main Street: Looks like they will be moving to a new location in 2014. Although it’s uncertain at this point of where or what else will happen, you can read the message below. Their currently located in the One Main building in Downtown Champaign. From their Facebook page:

It is with a heavy heart we announce today that Exile on Main Street will likely be moving it’s wares to a new location in 2014. Our 10 year lease with the fine folks at One Main Development will be up in a number of months and we are unlikely to remain here. Everyone at One Main has gone above and beyond in helping keep Exile’s doors open over the course of it’s life, and we’ve loved each and every one of our nine years in this location. Truth be told though, Exile simply can’t afford to commit to any sort of short or long term lease at this point.

The next month(s) will ultimately tell the tale of the Exile of days past, or the Exile 2.0 of the future. All of us here cannot thank each and every one of you enough for all the years of love and support. It’s meant more to all of us than we could ever express here as you can imagine. Please know we will still be doing everything we can to keep our doors open elsewhere to continue to serve this community the only way we know how.

Oh, and a new sale will be starting shortly. We really gotta get rid of some of this inventory. You’ve seen what it looks like here…we have too much stuff to say the least.

Your ever helpful Exilers,
Jeff, Remy, Mike, Pat, Isaac, Jordan and Glatz

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