Oh to be 45 again…
The end is nigh … or so it would seem, considering that The Gargoyle has made an appearance as a Drinking God.
The end is nigh … or so it would seem, considering that The Gargoyle has made an appearance as a Drinking God.
… and his dogs still won't behave after having graduated Dog School. It's that kind of week.
Coulter recaps his trip to the theater to see the new Steven Soderbergh flick, even if it was earlier than he would have preferred.
Coulter domesticates, and avoids the Taste, and finds himself almost totally unrewarded.
Coulter plumbs the depths of the not-so-great state that sits just 45 minutes to our east. And honestly, it's not half bad. Just stay out of the hotel pool.
A few musings about the local food scene, and why it's fairly pointless to even try to keep up.
And he's got a little something to say about it…
Mike Coulter has a new pal. And his name is Sailor Jerry.
He also likes elipses, and doesn't care much for Maroon 5.
Just sit back there folks and imagine the glory of a Summer without students and nothing but beer and sunburns. Coulter is already there.