Nautical nonsense grants your wish at Parkland’s The SpongeBob Musical
Get your Broadway fix right here at home with Parkland Theatre's The Spongebob Musical.
Get your Broadway fix right here at home with Parkland Theatre's The Spongebob Musical.
Debra talks with Neverland director Madeline Sayet about her revolutionary reimaginging of a problematic classic.
Champaign Urbana Theatre Company's Tempest dispels our darkness with sprites and magic.
Benjamin Gailey’s 10 out of 12 exposed the nerve-wracking beast that is the theater tech rehearsal.
Genesee Spridco’s Varslaren showcases the journey of fighting for truth in the face of opposition.
Director BJ Gailey tells us what to expect from the upcoming Parkland production of Anne Washburn's 10 out of 12, which opens on February 17th.
A 100-year-old production of a classic whodunit and the genesis of a comic book icon is given fresh, energetic life.
Law shares their experience at The Celebration Company at the Station Theatre's opening night performance of Feeding the Dragon.
Origin Story director Lisa Gaye Dixon says, “It is an oft-repeated truism that stories and plays reveal us to ourselves…No matter our status in life, we humans are always in need of connection—brief, sustained, calm, or chaotic—we need to know we matter, that we are seen.”
Julie reviews Fun Home, the latest offering from Lyric Theatre at Illinois.