Cher’s autograph
While Cannes goes on without him, musing on time travel and a lifelong focus on the esoteric.
While Cannes goes on without him, musing on time travel and a lifelong focus on the esoteric.
A Water-Pic has multiple purposes, especially if you're attacked daily by a dog on your paper route. Plus, how to make homemade yogurt.
What is it to come back from a vision quest without anything to show? An autobiography overdue.
A debilitating illness leads to literary hopscotch.
Maybe it's time to take a day off. From everything.
What if the leaked CPD squad-car video were reviewed as if it were a movie? Wonder no more.
Start with coyote cubs at 4 a.m., and deconstruct your way home from there.
Stream of consciousness while on the paper route.
The passage of time, as measured through country newspaper delivery customers.
Comparing and contrasting the last two winners of the Palme d’Or, both of which attempt to show rather than tell.