Smile Politely

You’re running out of time for these Urbana Parks summer events

It’s August, and I’m having a hard time accepting this fact. The summer always seems to go way faster than it should. It’s the time when I start to lament the fact that I have failed to get out and do as much as I wanted to do. But there’s still time! Urbana Park District has several great regular offerings during the summer that encourage you to get out and enjoy their parks, but they will be ending throughout this month so get on it and get outside.

There’s some yoga:

The last Neighborhood Namaste is August 9th at Carle Park (one of my very favorite area parks) from 6 to 7 p.m.

Yoga in the Park at Meadowbrook goes on for a few more weeks; Saturday mornings at 9 a.m. near the play area. A great option if you want to combine a little walking/running with your yoga.

And some music:

Folk and Roots Fridays happens during the lunch hour at The Lake House at Crystal Lake Park. There’s one more session on August 17th featuring Inland Calypso.

There are two more Neighborhood Nights, August 8th at Prairie Park and August 15th at Meadowbrook at 6:30 p.m. The last one will have the added bonus of a nighttime bike ride to Sidney Dairy Barn. State law requires lights, and helmets are highly recommended. For more information, visit Prairie Cycle Club.

Photo from Facebook

Staff writer

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