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You should sign up for some Saturday classes at Columbia Street Roastery

Is one of your new year’s resolutions to become a more advanced coffee connoisseur? Is that a resolution that people make? It should be. You shouldn’t be drinking bad coffee. 

Columbia Street Roastery offers classes two Saturdays a month to help develop your coffee knowledge, whether it’s learning more about coffee basics in their Coffee Cupping classes or practicing various brewing techniques in their Brew Class. 

There is no online sign up, so if you are interested send them an email at or call 217-352-9713 to grab a spot. You can also go the old-fashioned paper sign up route in the store. The bonus of the latter is you are there to grab some delicious items to bring home. I know they have all of these wonderful single-origin coffees, but I’m a sucker for the flavored varieties. They just released their new seasonal line with awesome names such as Nuttin’ But Kisses and Chocolate Seduction. 

Here’s the thing — their classes fill up very quickly. It’s possible the January sessions are already full. But if you head over to their Facebook page you can see the dates of the next several months worth of classes, so get a jump on one of those. 

Top image: Coffee beans in a large container. There is a metal post with three “arms” that is stirring the beans. Photo by Sam Logan.

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