Smile Politely

You should / could write for Smile Politely Dot Com

Oh, hello there, C-U,

Did you know that Smile Politely is not an elitist, dipshit organization of idiot writers and wanna-be novelists? Well, OK — maybe some of us — but on the whole, we’re actually quite the opposite. In the end, we are regular folks, with regular jobs, working and living in town — just like you — with an eye for the culture, and a desire to spread the word about it.

And that’s the idea, really. Smile Politely was created as a space for the community to use and share with one another. It’s a platform by which literally almost anyone can be published, read, and ultimately, discussed.

So, at our Editor’s meeting the other night, we determined that now and again, we should post something to the SPlog about just that: an open invitation of sorts to get on board and start participating in the great Smile Politely experiment.

No need to be bashful here — we’re just as unprepared as you are. Welcome.

— SP Editors

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