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Willard Airport will receive CARES Act funding

Airports are obviously going to be suffering right now. The CARES Act Airport Grant Program provides funding for capital expenditures, airport operating expenses including payroll and utilities, and airport debt payments.

From Willard Airport Executive Director Tim Bannon:

We are very happy the CARES Act is providing critical relief to the University of Illinois Willard Airport, and would like to thank Congressman Davis for his support during these challenging times. We have been significantly impacted across the majority of our businesses at Willard. This funding will be used for operating expenses such as staff salaries, maintenance, safety, security, and other necessary expenses to keep the airport fully operational during this pandemic. We remain optimistic that when the pandemic shows signs of slowing, and states allow travel once again, that confidence in air travel will increase and demand will follow. We look forward to a full recovery, in the meantime this critical funding will allow us to remain fully operational.

Willard Airport will receive just over $1.8 million. 

Photo from

Staff writer

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