Smile Politely

Vagina Monologues — for Courage Connection — auditions tonight

Courage Connection is on the fundraising rampage, and one of the more interesting opportunities I’ve seen is a one-night production of The Vagina Monologues to be staged at the Virginia Theatre (tentatively) on August 25th. 

Auditions are today, Sunday, June 25th from 4-6 p.m., and tomorrow, Monday, June 26th from 5:30-9 p.m. at Champaign Public Library in a conference room on the 2nd floor. 

Everyone who auditions will be given a part, and the emphasis is on inclusivity. The auditions will be read from the script, and are mostly to determine strengths and see where each actor will fit best. Co-organizer Molly McLay told me: 

“We are aiming to have 50 people, with everyone using notecards for the actual show like Ensler intended.

We recognize that The Vagina Monologues is sometimes not done in an inclusive way, and we plan to make sure everyone feels welcome. Women, trans, non-binary, and genderqueer individuals are welcome to audition.”

So you don’t have to prepare anything, just come with a willingness to speak publicly, act a little, and support Courage Connection

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