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United Way is making sure parents have the diapers they need

United Way of Champaign County partners with the Champaign-Urbana Public Health Department to run the Bottom Line Diaper Bank. The goal is to inform the community about diaper needs, and make sure low income families have what they need.

As a person who has had to diaper two children, I am well aware of the sheer volume of diapers that are needed through infant and toddlerhood, as well as how expensive they can be. From their website:

The National Diaper Bank Network defines diaper need as “the lack of sufficient supply of diapers to keep an infant or child clean, dry, and healthy”. They also report that 1 in 3 families in America experience this need. Some parents are forced to leave their babies in the same diaper for an entire day because they do not have access to a sufficient supply of diapers.

Bottom Line is run by volunteers, and CUPHD provides space for storage and distribution. Diapers are available through CUPHD and several other area organizations:

Children’s Home & Aid
Community Service Center of Northern Champaign County
C-U Early
Developmental Services Center of Champaign County
Head Start Champaign-Urbana
Multicultural Community Center

Unopened packages of diapers can be donated at the United Way office, at 5 Dunlap Court in Savoy. You can also purchase directly from their Amazon wish list, and diapers will be shipped directly to them. 

Bottom Line is hoping to have more volunteer opportunities soon. You can follow them on Facebook to see when those arise. This short video offers a glimpse into what they do. 

Top photo from Bottom Line Diaper Bank Facebook page.

Staff writer

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