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Unit 4 teachers host a Black Lives Matter march ahead of the school board meeting

Champaign Unit 4 teachers, staff, and families gathered at Westview Elementary School this afternoon and marched to the Mellon Building in support of Black lives. Led by Black Teachers Alliance C-U, the march preceded tonight’s board meeting, where there will be a vote to approve this sign:

 A black sign with white lettering that says: Resolution 2020, Black Lives Matter in CUSD #4. Image from Facebook.Image from Facebook.

Last month, a Black Lives Matter sign that was hung in the window of a Westview classroom was taken down on district orders. Earlier in the summer, the board passed a resolution declaring racism a public health crisis. 

Two women wearing masks are holding white posterboard signs with black lettering. One says Will the real anti-racists please stand up? The other says Matter is the Minimum. Photo by Julie McClure.Photo by Julie McClure.

A group of people are standing along a sidewalk and in the grass alongside a school building. Some are holding signs. Photo by Julie McClure.Photo by Julie McClure.

A white sign with different colored lettering that says Racism is also a pandemic. Photo by Julie McClure.Photo by Julie McClure.

A man is holding a large flag that says Black Lives Matter. Photo by Julie McClure.Photo by Julie McClure.

A woman wearing a shirt that says Black Teachers Matter is standing in front of a tree holding a microphone while others stand around and listen. Photo by Julie McClure.Photo by Julie McClure.

A long line of people are walking down the sidewalk. Photo by Julie McClure.Photo by Julie McClure.

Top photo by Julie McClure.

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