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Unit 4 is hosting a discussion aimed at supporting black girls

Monday, June 25th, from 5 to 6:30 p.m., Unit 4 administrators will be hosting “Brilliant. Bold. Beautiful: Reclaiming the narrative of being a young black girl” at the Mellon Building. The discussion will be led by Superintendent Dr. Susan Zola, Assistant Superintendent for Achievement and Equity Angela Ward, Centennial Assistant Principal Kendra Bonam, and Renayee Westfield, Assistant Principal at Bottenfield. According to Ward:

This is one of several initiatives prompted by administrators, particularly those of color. A few of them sat down with the Superintendent to discuss their concern regarding black girl push out–a phenomenon that is happening across the nation. In an effort to avoid replicating such a cycle, our staff wanted to get people together in order to get in front of the problem. Several of our girls struggle with unfair images portrayed by reality television and media. As a result, they suffer from low confidence, low self-image, and ultimately, poor school performance. Instead of being viewed as innocent young ladies who need nurturing, hope, and support, they are quickly likened to hard, mature images parallel to stereotypical characters on television. As impressionable young children, they soon find themselves unsure and angry as a result of real life struggles and imposed images.  We are attempting to bring ALL women together so we can talk and better understand the huge burden and misconception black girls face in society and schools. We want to offer solutions and be the ones willing to stand in the gap (physically or through programming) for our beautiful girls who have potential and promise. This is another effort U4 is taking to lead change while pushing for equity, access, and opportunities for all the children we serve.

All are welcome to attend.

Staff writer

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